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Office Sub. Asst. Com. B. R. F. & A. L. 
Sub District of Mobile, 
Mobile, Ala., July 24th, 1867

O.D. Kinsman,
Sub. Asst. Com. B.R.F. & A.L.
Montgomery, Alabama
I have the honor in accordance with instructions received from your office to make report for the month of June, 1867.

I respectfully transmit herewith statement by Lieut. Logan, A.A.Q.M., of destitute supplies received and issued at this office from December 1st, 1866, to June 3rd, 1867, comprising all the issues made since the cessation of the regular destitute rations. In addition to these supplies, a very few issues of the destitute rations have been made in cases of extreme destitution. It is proper to state that the greater portion of the supplies for this District has been distributed to white people. 

I have little to add to my last report with reference to the general condition of freedmen, &c. A number of temperance pledges received here from


Transcription Notes:
Does the ditto mark after dates (") stand for __st/__nd/__rd? (example- transcribe July 24th, 1867 instead of July 24," 1867)