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the Sub. Asst. Comr. at Montgomery were placed in the hands of leading colored people for distributions. No steps, however, of which I am aware, have been taken towards the organizing of Temperance Societies.

The schools for colored children closed, for the present season, on the 30th ult. They have done a good work, and their teachers are deserving of great praise for faithful and unwearying labor. The hope is repeated that some measures may be taken to increase the number and usefulness of the schools in This District. A large number of children are deprived of the advantages of instruction from their present insufficiency.

Delay has occurred in the present report from the same cause as delayed my previous report. 

Very Respectfully. 
Your Obt. Servt.,
Geo. H. Tracy, 
Capt. 15th Inf., B. Maj. U.S.A.
Sub. Asst. Commr.