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It is estimated that during the past two months about fifty (50) families have left Mobile for Virginia and the Carolinas.

Notwithstanding the destruction by incendiarism of five Churches belonging to the colored people of Mobile a year or so ago, they are making astonishing progress in religious matters.

The Zion Church (E.D. Taylor) was recently erected, worth $10,000 and the St. Louis St. Church destroyed last fall, has the first story of a $20,000 brick building all ready for occupation.

Other churches are thriving. They are not without Pastors of sound intelligence and worth. Rev. Chas Leavens, E.D. Taylor, Benj. Burke & others are leading men and control the people.

Elections and political meetings are disturbing to labor and subversive of domestic quiet. Therefore Elections should be as few as possible, and the polls numerous and convenient. 

School Matters
Are at a stand still. The summer vacation now commences. June reports show 484 pupils and eighteen teachers. Half of the latter are incompetent. Bureau expenses for rents $56.66/100. A few schools are open notwithstanding, but nothing new will be done untill fall, when it is hoped a rigorous effort will be made to furnish free instruction.

The Freed people are absolutely too poor to pay. Everything depends on their learning to read and write. Unless this is done, their freedom will be shorn of its legitimate fruits.