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Office of Asst. Supt. had caused great confusion in the affairs of the office, which combined with the inexperience of the present occupant, and the inefficiency of the Surgeon, compelled me to think that little has been done, of late, either to better the condition of the Freedmen or relieve the appalling destitution of the poor whites. Capt Taylor was spoken of in high terms by the comd'g General, and will, I think by the aid of such information as he can gather from orders & circulars published by the Asst. Commissioner, with instructions directly given to him, make a good officer for the place.

For the tardiness and negligence of the surgeon, there is no palliation.- I found him without a hospital or any adequate accommodations for the sick. He complained that he had no building or hospital supplies. I am happy to state that while at Talladega, supplies arrived sufficient to fit up fifty beds. The next step was to get a building for a hospital. I waited upon the Mayor and endeavored to obtain the co-operation of the city authorities.