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visited four families within fifteen minutes ride of town, who were living in the woods, with no shelter but pine boughs [[strikethrough]]for shelter[[strikethrough]] and this, in mid-winter.  Captain Dean, who accompanied me, assured me that upon other roads leading into town were other families similarly situated.  These people have no homes.  They were widows with large families of small children.  Other families, as their provisions fail, will wonder in for supplies, and I am fearful the result will be a coup of widows & orphans.  If possible, it should be prevented, and yet I saw about thirty persons for whom shelter must be provided, or death will speedily follow their present exposure and suffering.
The subjoined report, made by the magistrates of Dist No. 17 to the Probate Judge of Talladega Co. will show the cause of this wide-spread destitution.  M.C. Thornton, Judge of Probate, a most excellent man, promised every assistance in relieving this destitution.
Before I returned Capt. Taylor received