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Office Sub Asst. Commr
Bureau of R.F. and A.L.
Montgomery Ala Oct 5th 1867.

Col. O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commissioner 


In compliance with instructions from Head Quarters District of Alabama, I have the honor to make the following General Report of Labor performed at this Office during the month of September.

There have been Thirty one (31) complaints made of Laborers having been discharged without pay for the time they had labored. The greater portion of said Complaints have been made by Freedmen who are interested in the Crops in the above cases the parties have returned to the Plantation or been referred to the proper Civil Authorities. 

Three (3.) Applications to revoak indentures of Apprenticeship have been made, in all cases the indentures have been revoked under Genl. Orders No. 3. Head Qrs District of Ala Current Series

Eight (8.) cases of Assaults have been reported, committed on Freedmen by
