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have been referred to proper Civil Authorities with directions to take action under General Order No. 3 Head Qrs Dist of Alabama.

Twelve (12) complaints made where parties failed to pay Laborers for services renderred last year (1866) most of said cases have been equitably settled.

Complaints are being made by Freedmen - also my white person - that the crop and stock of a great many Planters has or is being attached to secure payment of advances made to raise said crops.  in such cases the Freemen will receive no pay for their faithful labor during the year from the fact that the parties havong nothing that they can get, the land being in most cases leased.

The provisions furnished by the New York Famine Relief Commission has been issued to One Hundred and Sixty Five (165) white persons and One Hundred and Forty One (141) Colored persons during the month.

I am Colonel
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
Jno. C. Hendrix
Actg. Sub Asst Commr.

Transcription Notes:
rendered misspelled (renderred) in original, thus transcribed that way. kF