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Office Sub Asst Comr BRF+AL
Sub Dist of Montgomery
Montgomery Ala Jan 7' 68

Col O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commissioner

In compliance with instructions from Head Qrs. Dist of Alabama. I have the honor to submit the following General Report of Labor performed at this office during the month of December 1867.
Fourteen (14) Complaints have been made by Freedmen, where they have been discharged without pay for the time they had labored these cases have been settled at this office or referred to the proper Civil Authorities.
Two (2) Cases of Assault upon Freedmen by white persons reported both of which have been referred to the Civil Authorities.
Two Hundred (280) and Eighty complaints have been made where Employer have moved their Crops without making a settlement with the Laborers or without their consent (over)