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cases heard June
Twenty-three (23) settlements have been made at this office before me, between Freedmen and their Employers. All of which have been settled just and equitably, and gave satisfaction to both parties.
Three (3) applications to revoke indentures of Apprentices have been made at this office, All of which have been referred to the proper Civil Authorities, with directions to take action immediately as per Genl Orders No 3. Hd Qrs Dist of Ala Series of 1867.
During the month of January 1868 Supplies were issued to [[Suty?]] (Co) while and Nineteen (19) Colored persons.
Four (4) Cases of Assaults on Freedmen by White persons have been reported, All of which have been referred to the Civil Authorities.

I am Major
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
Jno. C. Hendrix
Sub Asst Commissioner