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Thirty-four(34) Complaints have been made by the Freedmen, where they have failed to receive their pay for last years (1867) labor; they having been discharged without a settlement. These cases have been either settled at this office or referred to the proper Civil Authorities.

Two(2) Applications to revoke indenture of Apprenticeship have been made at this Office. The same have been referred to the proper Civil Authorities with instructions to take immediate action [as per G.O. No 3 Hd Qrs Dist of Ala series of 1867.

During the month  of February Supplies were issued to 515 White and 1205 Colored Persons.

The Freedmen in this Sub Dist and in many cases outof Employment, the cause is believed to exist on their part, from a disposition not to enter into Contracts. Applications are made at this Office daily for Laborers, in which reasonable compensation is offered. All means possible are being used to induce them to enter into Contracts.

The “Soup Kitchens,” being established in this City, under instructions from Head Quarters State of Alabama will be in opperation  by the Fifth 5th Inst. Arrangements are made by which the “City Authorities” assume the expense inclurred in making and issuing the Supplies furnished in that way. 

I am Major
Very Respectfully
Your. Obdt. Servant
J.C. Hendrix
Sub Asst Commr