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6th Issue of Rations to Refugees & Freedmen.
Supplies of
meal has been issued during the month of May to Seven hundred and seven (707) Persons. Two hundred and nineteen (219) white and to Four hundred and eighty eight (488) Colored
7th Soup Kitchens
Through these Kitchens supplies of Bread and Soup were issued daily - (during the month) to Two hundred and thirty six (236) Persons. One hundred and fifty five (155) and Eighty One (81) Colored. The total number of persons who received this relief for the month ending May 31st 1868, was Six thousand one hundred and thirty six (6136). Four thousand and forty three (4043) white and Two thousand and ninety three (2093) Colored at a cost to the Government of Four hundred and nine & 27/100 Dollars ($409.27) or at an average cost of Seven (07¢) cents per day, to each Adult

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servant
J.C. Hendrix
Sub Asst Commissioner