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discharge from their place any person, who under the contract is either a Tenant or Partner, unless legally ejected, as per the Laws of the State in such cases. These cases - as far as heard from - amicably settled.

Seven (7) complaints have been made by the Employers, in which they represent the Laborer as failing to comply with their obligation under Contract. All of which have been settled at this Office.

Assault and battery upon Freedmen
Five (5) complaints of this nature has been made at this Office by Freedmen in which they have been assaulted by White persons. All of which were referred to the proper legal authorities.

Applications for Bounty &c &c.
Nine (9) claims for bounty &c have been forwarded to Washington D.C. through Office Asst Commissioner State of Alabama during the month.

Soup Kitchens
During the month, supplies of Soup and Bread were issued daily to Three hundred and thirty six (336) persons. Two hundred and seventeen (217)White and One