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The poll tax, increased since Emancipation four fold, while the land tax remains as before the war is but one evidence of the spirit of the law. Many others might be advanced to show the inequalities of the existing system of taxation, and a great desire for the early reconstruction of the State is manifested, in the hope to equalize the public burdens. 

5. Other laws affecting the freedmen. Since the passage of the Military bill, the execution of the laws has been growing more impartial and the effect of the right to vote on the treatment of freedmen by judicial authorities is highly beneficial. 

6. Freedmen's Schools. I have not been able to visit the freedmens schools except in the town of Opelika, but the School there is in excellent hands and the results shown seem to me wonderful. The teacher, Mr George Mutch met with great opposition in the commencement of his work, but being a man of determination and personal courage, he soon gave the