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Sub. Dist. of Opelika
Bureau R. F. and A. L.
Opelika Ala. Dec. 1st. 1868,

Bvt. Lt. Col. Edwin Beecher
Asst. Commissioner of Alabama.
Montgomery Ala.

In accordance with instructions contained in Circular No. 11 from the Asst Commissioner dated Feby. 19th, 1868. I have the honor to submit the following report of Bureau and Freedmen's Affairs in this Sub Dist. for the month of November 1868, Contracts Settlements &c.

Several complaints have been made to this office, against Employers for unfair settlements, divisions of crops and the Freedmen say that they are charged with many articles, which they did not receive and much higher for those which they did receive than the current market prices. In some instances when the Freedmen dispute their a/c and contend for a fair settlement they are driven off, and their lives threatened if they come back or apply to the Civil authorities for protection. Such occurrences are not as frequent now as they were this time last year. And the civil officers, as a general thing, are disposed to protect them in their rights.

Schools &c.
Several free schools have been opened for the col. people in this Sub. Dist. during the month of November. Two