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to one hundred dollars, or put in the chain gang for a like number of days. To illustrate, one Freedmen complained that the had been fined under these circumstances. He went inti a store to purchase a cigar. The seller took one out of a box and handed it to him, He said the proper way was to hand him the box and let him pick one out. The seller then struck him, drove him out of the store and hit him with brickbats. At the next court he (the Freedman), was brought up for abusive language. The mayor asked him if used the abusive words, and he said that he did, when without investigating the provocation, or allowing the Freedmen any explanation, the fine of ten dollars was imposed. This is but one of many similar cases.

Last week a Freedman made complaint as follows. He was walking along the road by a man's house when the dogs came out and attacked him. He ran to escape them but the foremost one leaped on his shoulders and tore his clothes, as he showed me, Before he could fight this one off, the whole pack seven in number had come up to him. He then drew a pistol and fired it among them, but avoided hitting any one wishing only to scare them off, in which