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CITY OF SELMA, ALA., Nov. 29. 1865.

On the 28th ultimo the following ordinance was adopted by the city authorities of Selma: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING REMOVAL OF CERTAIN TENEMENTS.

Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Selma, and the same is hereby ordained.  That the City Marshal, under instructions of the Mayor, be and he is hereby empowered to remove all the shanties, &c., inhabited by persons whose condition is endangering the health of the city; and also to remove all cases of small-pox to the Pest House.
Adopted Oct. 28th 1865.
A true copy from the minutes.
JNO. M. STRONG, City Clerk.

Since the adoption of the above ordinance an additional hospital building, large and comfortable, has been erected by the city for the accommodation of persons afflicted with the small-pox or any other disease, who may have no visible means of support.  Notice is therefore given to all persons occupying such tenements as are embraced in the ordinance aforementioned, that ten days, commencing from this date, will be allowed them to make arrangements and remove to more suitable quarters.  At the expiration of this time all tenements declared nuisances will be immediately demolished, and their occupants compelled to seek honest and remunerative employment outside the city limits.  No tenement, declared a nuisance, will be allowed to stand upon the plea of sickness, as all invalids may be permitted to enter the city hospital, who will be required, after their recovery, as compensation for medical attendance and nursing, to work the same number of days for the city they were inmates of the hospital.

Mayor of Selma.
