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Make the lien effective, through process of law only, or by exhibition of arbitrary force, that is, a military detail?
I omitted to speak of a matter which I suppose has already come to your notice, but which I have not heard of until when down the country two weeks ago. Where it was spoken of as a fact and names and circumstances given. I allude to the practice of running freedmen across to Cuba, and selling them there. If the Bureau desires the information, deeming that there is any truth in the alledged [[strikethrough]] rep [[/strikethrough]] transactions, which would make further inquiry advisable, I will send a communication in the Subject. 
Very Respectfully 
Your obt Servt
Sam S. Gardner
Supt. Freedman 
Selma District

I enclose an order from the city government which explains itself. I do not that anything can be done about it, except to prevent an indiscriminate and malicious execution of the order, as seems to be the inclination of the subordinate officials. Then it is a question whether=