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celled indentures made in 65-and 66, under the apprentice law, upon application made in special cases from this office. - No General application has been made otherwise by furnishing the Courts with copies of Genl Order No. 3 current series from Dist. Headquarters.- No complaints have been made to me of arrests under the "Vagrant Law", during the time specified in your communication.

The general condition of the Freedman Schools in the District, is most prosperous- There is a great and earnest desire on the part of the Freedmen, generally, for Schools, and they will do all in their power to accomplish an education for their children, There is now in many of the Rebel Whites a disposition to help them, and in but a few instances have any hindrances been placed in their way. 

The apparant Ruling of Confidence existing between the two races, is evidently very hollow- The colored men heartily, and very naturally, distrust the White man -