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The Letter Book shows 134 official communications sent from this office during the month upon the various matters pertaining to the office.

I would call the attention of the Assistant Commissioner to the fact of the continuance in office of notoriously rebellious men which greatly interferes with our efforts to secure justice upon appeals made to us by Freedmen Circuit Judges Solicitors and Justices, seem to be interested together for personal accommodations of claims to the forgetfulness of the claims of Justice.

This month having been one of vacation for the schools nothing worthy of note has transpired.

The proposed School Building at Selma has not been built the realty not having been secured to the school as proposed by the Superintendent of Education.

The School Building at Marion Ala is nearly completed. The appropriation of 2000$ by the Bureau has been expended in accordance with the order of the Asst. Comr.

The Temperance organizations in this Sub-District are steadily doing a good work.

The issue of Rations by the Bureau in this Sub District has been almost entirely discontinued. No general issue has been