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law, poor law and system of taxation, there has been no change since my last report The freedmen's school as this place is closed for the season, with the hope of being re-opened by the 1st of October. The feeling apparently existing between the two races is a delicate question to approach, as a general rule there is a kind and good feeling but many persons seem determined not to understand that a colored man posses the rights of a freeman. In my opinion this will be more clearly observed as the freed people more fully realize that they are free and have rights as such. Violations of the law is somewhat on the increase by the employers, which I attribute to the less necessity of labor. The Circular respecting to Lincoln Temperance Lodge is at hand. I have enlisted the assistance of some good men to carry it into effect, but owing to the laborers just finishing their crops, we concluded to defer the matter untill the freedmen's labor can be a little more conveniently spared. I have built one more comfortable hewed loghouse, 160 by 20 feet, at the hospital or asylum at which place I now provide for refugees 2 men and 4 women, for freedpeople 13 men, 25 women, 7 buys and eight girls
I have received no provisions in the month of June, have issued 8 barrels Pork and 22 Barrels Flour.

I am, Colonel,
Very Respectfully
Your obd't serv't
Sub. Asst. Commssr.