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to pay the dollar have withdrawn from the school. James Sneed one of the forty who Capt. Didbury attempted to arrest in Calhoun County in Sept last while traveling on the car a few days. Since assaulted a Colored man and knocked him off the cars while running at full speed. I have appealed to the civil authorities for his arrest but as yet have failed to bring the outlaw to justice. The Lincoln Temperance Society meets every week, retains its strength and popularity. We have Sabath Schools for the colored children in three different churches in this place. I have in store at this place 900 sacks corn belong to the Bureau RF&AL. I have one Hospital in which I provide clothing food and Medicine for two Refugees, thirteen Freedmen thirty freedwomen and twenty three 
Freed children. The Hospital at present under the charge of A. J. Gray A.A. Surg USA Chas H. Doughtlin Private 15th USA wife and a Act Hospt Steward.  Much credit is due those gentlemen for their energy and ability in renovating the Hospital and securing comfort to the inmates

I Am Col
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Svt.
J F McGogy
Sub Asst Comnr