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building used by the Freedmen for a school was burnt about the 10th inst. I have been unable to learn the cause of the fire, but it is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. Several of the Schools in this Sub District have closed, as the teachers wish to attend the Normal School at this place, which will commence its session on the 1st of October. 

There are a number of Freedmen in Talladega County who have settled upon Lands that they think belong to the Government and as the Land Offices in this State are closed, I am unable to assertain whether they are Government or Rail Road Lands. The parties who have settled upon these lands are anxious to make application for them under the Homestead Law.

I would respectfully request that plots of the Government Lands in this county be furnished me if possible, to enable me to answer the many inquiring that I have from Freedman in reference to these Lands. 
There are at this time fifty three patients in the Hospital; during the last month
