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The corn crop this season is much better than was anticipated before it was gathered, I am informed by farmers throughout this Sub Dist. From what I can learn the cotton crop will not yield as well as last season, owing to the worm. In some sections of this Sub Dist there has been a few average crops of both corn and cotton, but as a general thing both crops are short.

There has not been a complaint made to me by the freedmen, that injustice has been done them during the past month, owing to the fact that it is generally Known among them that the Civil Courts take cognizance of all such cases. The Civil Courts in this Sub Dist seem to be willing to give full justice to all Freedmen.

There are about the same number of Schools for Freedmen in this Sub Dist as per last months report. There has been some two or three Schools established, for colored people, by the County Superintendant under the State Law, and at Talladega taught by Mrs C.M. [[Hopsen?]] which has one hundred and forty five Pupils,

Transcription Notes:
changed "warm" to "worm"