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and the children are learning very fast Talladega County is the only County in this Sub Dist. that two Schools for the Freedmen have been established, by the County Supt owing in a great measure to not having been furnished with the School Law.
There seems to be a disposition on the part of the County Supt of Schools, as well as a majority of the white citizens to comply with the School Law, and give the Freedmen all the benefits of said Law in this Sub Dist
The free School at Talladega was opened on the 2nd day of November 1868, with thirty Pupils, and now number one hundred and forty five,
The County. Supt of Talladega County, Mr J G Chaudson has been, and is using his utmost endeavors to establish free schools in his County for both white and colored, giving equal justice to both.
There are at this time Eighty one Patients in the Hospital, during the past month there has been a gain of one and a loss of six patients.  all the patients in the Hospital at Talladega are unable to take care of themselves, and I would respectfully recommend that some provisions be made