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the freedmen at Columbiana in Land belonging to them but there has been great opposition to the building of this House by a number of citizens of said town of Columbiana.

For the last two month there has been a colored School taught at Columbiana by Miss E.S. Thompson which now numbers sixty five Pupils, and will increase as they now have a suitable building to teach in.

The colored people in this District seem anxious and willing to do all they can to educate their children and would do ore than they do if it was not for the bad advice given them by designing whites.

The Freedmen Hospital at this place with seventy patients was turned over this day to the State of Ala in compliance with Special Order No 133 dated State of Ala Bureau R.F. and A.L. Montgomery Ala Dec 26th 68 and an Act that passed by the Legislature of the State of Ala and approved by the Gov of said State on the 21st day of December 1868

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Set.
Geo. P. Sherwood
1st Lieut 43d U.S. Inft
Sub Asst Comr