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Plantations as a speculation and in a large number of cases have violated their Contracts or have studied to own them to their own individual benefit.

Freedmen have generally complied with their Contracts - especially those who are intelligent enough to understand their nature, and have the encouragement of fair wages and proper treatment. My experience in the matter has convinced me that the class of Freedmen is small who will not with proper management comply with a Contract. The uninviting state of society in this District has doubtless prevented many discharged U.S. Soldiers from locating here, or those among the Freedmen who went from here as such, from returning. The few applications for Bounty and Pension, presented were premature or the applicants failed showing the required papers. In addition to the statistical record of work performed in the office Asst. Supt. There has been an equal or greater number of cases of different kinds of minor importance settles or advised upon, for instance, Contracts have been presented by large numbers of Freedmen for examination and explanation. The parties often stating that their employers will not come in person or allow them to come before