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Office of Agt. Beau. for R F and A L
Tuscaloosa June 8th 1817

Maj Genl, Wager Swayne
Commanding Dist. of Ala.
Montgomery Ala,


I have the honor to report that the the affairs of this Sub. Dist., since my connection with it have gone on as quietly as could reasonably be expected;
The freed people generally are working quite faithfully, especially, for all those who act justly and honestly towards them, In fact several of this class of White men have told me that they never had a faithfull workmen in their lives; this convinces me that all that is necisary, to insure their faithfullness is kindness and justice, but unfortunately this is a difficult thing for many of our people to learn, their old habits of cruelty and injustice cling to them. yet I think the feeling is improveing, & I am sure public sentiment on the subject is fast getting correct, [[strikethrough]] on the s [[/strikethrough]] the few cases of cruelty reported have been legally investigate, & the offenders made to pay fines, which is the only school they will learn in, It affords me pleasure to be able to report, that, now, I believe, our two City Justices are disposed to do justice impartially, several cases that I have referred to them lately makes me think so, but our little