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report that there are a considerable number of the F.M. that manifest an indisposition to work faithfully; notwithstanding I have made it a point on all occasions ever since they were set free, to impress them with the importance of being industrious & saving; but this they will have to learn by sad experience. 

There are a large number of White people in as helpless a condition as any of the Cold, some from misfortunes & many from laziness & profligacy, I am not aware if it is the intention of the Govnt. to send anymore supplies, - but it is my opinion that they never will find a better year to stop it, than the present, this thing has relieved many worthy cases, but in many other cases, it has incouraged Idleness; and it is impossible for any man living to prevent this.
There is now only one school in this co. for freed children, that is in this city taught by an excelant & worthy Lady by the name of Miss Benton, she has about 50 pupils. There is a great desire & much anxiety amongst the F Peoples To Educate their children and I-