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differently is easily avoided. The number of Freedmen applying at this office with complaints &c, is daily decreasing - sure sign that matters in the country and moving on peacefully and quietly. Both white and black begin to understand. This has been effected by Circular no 1. It has certainly had a splendid and excellent effect: it has been promulgated widely, yet people are inquiring and wanting a copy continually. Employees have read it to their laborers, who see from it what they are and what is required of them. This yet from it a course of action; and they are willingly satisfied to do as it directs and advises. The white citizens, almost universally, appreciate and like it very much; they see the force and truth of the Circulars, and they are acting upon the suggestions and instructions therein contained and set forth. It meets with the people's sanctions and hearty approval and support in every particular. They learn from it, and truly conclude, how much better it is for them and their country to assist the Freedman by being judicious to them. Indeed Circular no. 1, expresses what both parties wanted and felt, but could