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Office of Asst Supt Bureau of
Refugees Freedman and AL
Tuskegee Ala Nov 25th 1865

Col C Cadle Jr
A A G Bureau of RF and AL

I have the honor to transmit herewith my weekly report or letter of advice required By Par I Genl Order No 14 in Obedience to Special Orders from Commissioner of Ala I assumed Control of the Counties of Macon Chambers and Rupel on the 20th of November 8165 the Condition of the Freedmen is in as good a condition as I could expect under the circumstances there is but very little trouble between the employer and employee at present but very few Freedmen report at this Office with complaints and the complaints are of minor importance as a general thing however there is a Complaint reaches me from Loachapoka and Oak Bowery of an Organization known as the Black patrols who are whipping and otherwise maltreating the Freedmen in the afore Said communities which in my opinion is injuring the country in which they are committing their Cursed depredations the Freedmen inform me that these Organizations go in Small Bands of