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Office of Ast Supt of Freedman
Uniontown  Ala Sept 20th 1865

I have the honor to transmit a report of Rations Issued to destitute Freedmen at this Post from the 11th to the 20th of September 1865 inclusive.  Thare is but litel inducement for them to work with the most of the planters I have day sent back those that they have driven from thare plantations and in many instanses the Labores ar very indolent and care but litel for themselves or those around them

I am very respectfully 
Your Obedt Servant
J. C. Pluss Capt
47th Ill Inft & Ast Supt of Freedmen

To Brig Gen. Wager Swain
Ast Commissioner of Freedmen and Abandoned Landes
Montgomery Ala

Transcription Notes:
the author has many misspellings Captain J. C. Pluss, was a native of Pennsylvania, and at the outbreak of the Civil war, in 1861, enlisted in the Forty-seventh Illinois Infantry, and served throughout the entire struggle, being mustered out with the rank of captain.