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Headquarters Sub District of Alabama.
Office of Disbursing Officer B.R.F. & A.L.
Montgomery, October 31, 1866

[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]


I have the honor to submit the following report of business in my department for the year ending October 31, 1866.

Amount of receipts from October 31 1865, to October 31, 1866.                                         $129.307.97

This amount has been derived from the following sources:
Approving contracts with freedmen          4.267.95
Sales of Confederates abandoned property   20.602.51
Fines in Freedmen's Court                  477.75
Rents                                       3.105.50.
Sale of Briarfield Iron works.  (Confederate).
Sale of Steamer "Virgin" a blockade runner.                        27.351.93
Rec'd from Col. G.W. Balloch, Chief Disbursing Officer, by Col. E. Wright                              5.000.00
Rec'd by me from Col. G.W. Balloch under 
appropriation of Congress                22.064.33
From miscellaneous sources                    242.67
Turned over to me by Col. E Wright          1.195.33


There was also sum by Col Wright in October, 1865, not heretofore reported,
From Contracts with Freedmen                28.75

Rents.                                      63.50 = 92.25

Total amount of receipts                    $129.400.22