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There has been dispersed during the year the sum of. $126,709.82.
The disbursements have been on the following accounts: 

Assistant Superintendents.  $3,189.29.

Clerks, including civil Employees of 
every character not otherwise herein specified. 24,245.17.

Medical Department, including pay
of A.A. Surgeons, expenses of Hospitals &
Hospital attendants, repairs, &c.  18,985.31 ✓

Quarters and Fuel.  7,123.85 ✓

Stationery  ,412.55 ✓

Transportation.  ,904.57   

Telegrams.  ,287.76 

Printing.  1,539.95

Expenses in taking care of two
Steamers, seized as blockade
runners, now in litigation.  3, 080.73  ✓

Amount refunded for property
improperly sold.  1, 159.50  ✓

Rent of Farms.  3,569.00  ✓ 

Amount expended for Schools. 6,633.62.  ✓
Amount paid Col. Edwards
Expenses in Examining Lands
in Alabama.   ,500.00  ✓

Amount paid J.L. Alcorn for   
rent of farm. and supplies

Transcription Notes:
**"Amount paid J.L. Alcorn ... " at the bottom, continues onto the next page, where you will see the amount paid.