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purchased by former Asst. Comr 2,515.00. ✓ 
Amount turned over to Com'r 
of Int. Rev. for taxes on salaries. 444.95 ✓

Amount paid to Col. G. W. Balloch
repayment of money rec'd of him
by Col. E. Wright.   5,000.00  ✓ 
Paid on Miscellaneous Accts  1.509.72  [[equations]]
Turned over to Col. G.W. Balloch
Chief Disbursing Officer  45,785.10
Amount now on hand. 
9,256.04 [[line drawn to this "amount on hand"]]
[[strikethrough]] 2,696.70 [[/strikethrough]]
136 121.81
[[strikethrough]] $129,400.22 [[/strikethrough]]
Of the amount received as set forth in this report, all accepted 127,064,33 has been derived from sources entirely disconnected with any appropriation made by Congress;
such as sales of confederate civil abandonment property, i.e.:
While I have paid over to Col. G. W. Balloch, Chief Disbursing Officer of the Bureau, $50,785.10. - being an excess of 123,726.77. over the amount we have received from the appropriation made by Congress for the support of the Bureau.  There is also, property of the same character in that from which this fund has mainly been derived, now in litigation but which we expect to secure, from which, if successful, will be realized the further sum of from $50,000 to $75,000. And permit me here respectfully to submit, that but for the efforts of the officers of this Bureau, acting under your direction, very little of this would have been secured to the Government.

Transcription Notes:
G.W. Balloch