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District show a "ballance of credit" to the amount of seven hundred and ninety nine dollars and twenty four cents ($799.24) viz:

[[4 column table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Freedmen's Hospital | Mobile | Ballance of Credit | $131.98 |
| Freedmen's Hospital | Montgomery | Ballance of Credit | 16.97 1/3 |
| Freedmen's Hospital | "Home Colony" | Ballance of Credit | 11.00 |
| Freedmen's Hospital | Demopolis | Ballance of Credit | 183.21 3/4 |
| Freedmen's Hospital | Huntsville | Ballance of Credit | 159.56 |
| Freedmen's Hospital | Selma | Ballance of Credit | 296.51 1/2 |
|   |   | Total | $494.29 7/12 |

During the year large quantities of clothing and blankets were received from Benevolent Association at the North and distributed among the most needy refugees and freedmen. 

All indigent female Pas patients were furnished with new clothing on leaving the hospitals. 

The expenses of the Medical Department, exclusive of medical and hospital supplies and ration, during the year amounted to eighteen thousand nine hundred and eighty five dollars and thirty one cents, $18.985,31.

Although Cholera and Yellow Fever prevailed epidemically in the adjoining States during the last summer and this fall, only three (3) cases of Cholera and now of Yellow Fever have been reported to this office.

In conclusion, I beg leave to say, that acting Assistant Surgeon on duty in this district.