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Office Bureau Refugees, Freedman, and Abandon Lands,
District of Huntsville, Alabama
April 9th 1866

Col J. B. Callis
Supt. Sub. Dist
Huntsville, Ala. 

I wish to make the following statement relative to a case that occurred prior to your taking charge of the office. It is like this: In Oct last I Chaplain T. M. Goodfellow, then Supt B.R.F. and A.L. Sub. Dist. Huntsville Ala. took out of my possession a certain Colts Revolver worth at the time Twenty five Dollars. The facts were these.  A man attempted to whip me.  He was much larger than I. and not wishing to fight, I drew my pistol and told him if he did not let me alone I would shoot him.  Goodfellow sent for me and took the pistol saying I was not allowed to carry arms. I called on him two weeks afterwards and demanded the pistol.  He (Goodfellow) replied - "the pistol is confiscated". I told him I had been in the army in Gen'l Sherman's Command and did not think he ought to deprive me of my Revolver, to which he said again, "the pistol is confiscated". I have called on him repeatedly for the pistol but have failed to get it. I am informed by the Oderlies in the office that Goodfellow took it away with him, when you took charge of the office.  I called on you several times for the pistol, but you tell me there is no pistol, nor record of the taking nor confiscating of the same in the office;