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Office Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
District of Huntsville, Alabama,
April 9th 1866.

Col C. Cadle
A.A. Gen'l &c

I have the honor to transmit herewith a complaint against T.M. Goodfellow, made by a colored boy, which complaint will explain itself. I saw Goodfellow who said he did take the pistol and had never returned it to the boy, or accounted for it in any way to the Government, but claims that he is unable to give any account of it now.
I also enclose complaint against Goodfellow and Lieut J. Irving Medler with the evidence in the case. It appears that this man Clay had bought some cotton of one Frank Holden and paid him 104 $ in cash, and that subsequently Clay, Holden and two other men (all colored) played at cards, and that Lieut Medler arrested the party for gambling and fined them 20 $ each, of which fines he collected 40 $ for which he has made no account in the cash Book. Besides the fines, he seized the cotton for which Clay had paid the 104 $ and says he turned it back to Holden 
As these cases seem to involve my predecessor in a charge of wrong, I don't feel like deciding them; and knowing as I do that these Rebels have and are seeking every chance to deride the Bureau I have thought best to refer the matter for the decision of the Asst Commissioner. 
I have seen both Medler and Goodfellow on the