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Montgomery Ala
June 4th 1866
Major Genl Wager Swayne 
Asst. Commr Bureau R.F. & A.L.


I beg leave to report that acting upon your suggestion that the business of receiving the supplies and distributing rations to the destitute would be transferred to the State Commissioner as soon as the necessary agencies could be established made to take charge of the same-

I proceeded immediately [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] to take the necessary steps for carrying into operation the plan proposed and have perfected arrangements for receiving and storing the Government supplies at the following named places  Montgomery, Selma, Talladega, Tuscaloosa and Demopolis and have also secured an agent for the depot at Greenville in Butler County.

At Montgomery very satisfactory arrangements were made with 
[[left margin]] Montgomery Depot Lehman & Dun agts. [[/left margin]]