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fish issued cooked to the said colony; that the said Bull receives a ration for himself from the United States and that he is knowing to the fact that on several occasions the said Bull has exchanged a part of his rations for fish.
Given at the City of Montgomery in said State and County this 16th day of June, 1866.
(signed) R.H. Beaudry
A A Surgeon U.S.A.
Sworn and subscribed to
before me at Montgomery
Alabama, this sixteenth
day of June A.D. 1866.
(signed) Geo. A. Harmount
Asst. Sup't. B.R.F. and A.L.

Montgomery, Ala.
June 16" 1866.
Maj. O.D. Kinsman
A.A.G. Dist of Alabama
In compliance with the order of Maj. Gen. Swayne received yesterday I have the honor to state that Mr. Bull makes no secret that he has exchanged meat issued for the colony for the fish and had these fish cooked: and issued to