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to that duty, but had not then reported.  — The books and records of this Office have been fairly kept, and the administrative duties of the Sup't had been creditably performed, but the officer in charge had but little knowledge of the condition of the District outside of Mobile; and in fact, the records of the Office furnished but little information of the state of affairs generally throughout the District. I was told by Lieut Logan that the officers in charge had not been accustomed to visit the counties comprizing the district, that they had made no inspections, & were not required to do so. That they seldom if ever visited the city- or county- courts to protect the interests of the freedmen, or to inform themselves as to the manner in which justice is dispensed, & that they had done little if any thing more than to attend to the routine of Office-duty, as it might arise in the Office. I was not satisfied that the condition of the Freedmen in all parts of this District was such as warranted the leaving of them entirely to the care and will of the civil authorities. I was informed of the murder of a colored man, by white citizens in Baldwin County, and after arrest of the supposed criminals by military authority, that they were arraigned before a civil court, but that the colored witnesses were as intimidated