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unable to obtain their quota during the month. Your Commissioner acted in conjunction with Col Callis Superintendent of the Bureau at Huntsville and having completed arrangements for the distribution of food in North Alabama, returned to Montgomery before the close of the month. General Swayne had renewed his estimate and forwarded his requisition for fifteen thousand rations daily for the month of February, and ordered one third of the supply to Huntsville as under the former estimate.

The appointment of the remaining ten thousand rations daily among the other counties of the State, was, at the suggestion of General Swayne, made by your Commissioner.

For the purpose of perfecting the system of agencies already agreed upon, and equalizing, as nearly as practicable the distribution of food to the destitute in the several counties. Your Commissioner prepared and sent to each of the Probate Judges of the State, a printed letter, giving the quantity of rations apportioned each county, the depot at which they would be supplied. the manner of appointing and compensating agents, how, and to whom food was to be distributed and giving directions as to the manner of making reports. He also visited in person all the general depots except the one at Mobile.

These depots, from which supplies were furnished to the Counties were limited in number. It being found impracticable to establish them, except at points where the Government had acting Commissaries stationed. They were located at Mobile, Selma,