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Montgomery, Greenville, Demopolis, Tuscaloosa, Talladega, and Huntsville. Under a recent arrangement, a depot will be established at Eufaula. This will afford great relief to the Counties of South Eastern Alabama that have heretofore had great difficulty in obtaining supplies.

While these general depots were as conveniently arranged as it was practicable to make them, they were however so difficult of access, to counties most remote from them, as to place it almost out of the power of some to obtain the rations assigned them, with any degree of regularity. Every effort was made to obviate this difficulty, and in several instances General Swayne sent special agents with supplies to some of the counties.

It becoming apparent, during the months of March and April, that destitution was rapidly on the increase, and that the supply of rations, furnished by the Government, was insufficient to prevent suffering among the people, General Swayne consented to increase his estimate for the State, and added five thousand rations daily to his monthly requisition.

Under this increase, which was not realized until May, two thousand rations daily were added to the apportionment for the thirteen counties in North Alabama. The remaining three thousand were apportioned among the other counties. The larger portion being given to the mountainous and poorer districts.