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the doors of almost every man, who has even a small surplus of food.
Accompanying this report is a tabular statement, obtained from official returns made to General Swaynis Head Quarters, showing the extent of relief furnished by the Federal Government, through the agency of the Freedmens Bureau to the destitute of the state, during the year ending 30th of September 1866.
The aggregate number of rations reported as issued during that period is 3.789.788, at an aggregate cost of six hundred and forty three thousand, five hundred and ninety dollars ($643.590.16).
It will be seen that in November 1865 relief was furnished to 2.251 whites and 1.944 blacks. In December to 3.329 whites and 2243 blacks.
||Whites|            |Blacks||
January 1866  7.225   January 1866  3.335
February  "   15.771  February "    4.324
March     "   18.616  March    "    6.053
April     "   16.864  April    "    8.182
May       "   23.567  May      "   11.326
June      "   22.577  June     "   10.821
July      "   21.805  July     "    8.793
August    "   18.672  August   "    7.562
September "   17.912  September "   7.532

In addition, to this large supply of food furnished by the Government, Governor Patton purchased and brought into the