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Arlene -- I started to respond to this & then thought you knew more about WEB -- If you want me to continue filling it out I will -- S.

WEB Inc., World Letter
c/o Priscilla Burlingham
Fenway Studios
30 Ipswich Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02115

TO: All WEB Chapters

Dear WEB:
As we were deciding what to put together for our first international newlsetter, two ideas seemed to stick. One, seeing that we (Boston) are a group of visual artists, our own contribution would be a visual statement; and, two, it would make for a more interesting and relative letter, if we printed a WEB survey in which each chapter contributed information about itself. This is what the two enclosed questionnaires are about.

A questionnaire is usually a quick turn-off we know, but we felt that this set of questions would be a good way of finding out who you are, what you do, and what your concerns are as a group of women artists in your particular area. The same questions are asked of all the chapters. We hope the results will not only be fun to read but also that the information will act as an option source and illuminate possibilities open to us all.

The second questionnaire is in preparation for an international phonebook section which might make it a bit easier for a visiting artist in your locale.

We thought that by circling the parts of questions pertinent to your WEB, it would eliminate the chore of rewriting Q's and A's and better insure us a return by November 30th. Any additional input is more than welcome. We will print as much as our budget will allow.

Kindly return to Priscilla Burlingham - -see above address.

Thank you.

Most Sincerely,Ellen Bucknam
Boston WEB

Sent 11/74