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Brooke Hammerle
173 Main St.
E. Greenwich R.I. 02818

Dear Brooke,

I'm sending you information on Feminist Studio Workshop, an intensive year lohggrogram [[long program]] for women in art related professions.  FSW provised a real supportive community for women, in which each woman is encouraged to develop to her individual potential. It has been really exciting for me to be here and to participate in the program; the opportunity to work with so many incredible women has been extordinary [[extraordinary]]. I really hope you'll consider joining us for the third exciting year.

The brochure I'm sending is the one we've used this past year. We've been really deludged with requests lately and have just run out of current brochures. It will give you a good idea of the program though. Tuition for FSW is $1200 for the year. The program starts here on October 16, a Thursday. Graduate and undergraduate degree programs are available through International Community College, a new tutorial program here in LA. You can drop them a postcard if you're interested in degrees.

Hoping to hear from you.

In sisterhood,

Susan King

telephone contact?
[[strikethrough]] we [[/strikethrough]] Arlene.