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Jan 11, 1976

Dear Carol,

Thanks for your response to the Old Witches, New Healers course. I'm very excited about it and appreciate feedback on it, particularly now before it has begun. I'm sure the course will not be offered again in the Spring, as it is a special lecutre series and we will probably have something different in the new sememster. If it is very successful, however, we will probably be having more courses on women and healing. I'm enclosing a brochure for you so you might see how the sereis is organized. The Friday evenings are lecture format, in which information on the subject is given by the various women. The following day, Saturday, is for workshops on those same topics. The workshops will probably be more experiencial in nature, with participation in the various learning techniques. So they will be different: in the case of the [[strikethrough]] touch [[/strikethrough]] Healing Touch lecture, for example, you will not learn how to do various acupressure techniques, whereas you would in the workshop. In the case of my lecture on the 27th of Feb, the material would be very different and experiential, whereas the lecture would be slides, and review of current work by artists who use medical imagery. and so on...I think you could get a great deal from attending either or both series...the lecture or the workshop...but the course was designed for both, and would give you more of a perspective on the subject if you could attend both Fri evenings and Sat.

About your other questions: it seems you are asking two things. One is about advice on a particular study. Beneath that seems to be another question, that is much broader in scope for you...whether to go to graduate school, where to look for a program...what to do, in short. Is this right?
About the latter, I am a bit at a loss because I need more information from you...I am connected with several educational activities that may be of interest to you, [[strikethrough]] bfut [[/strikethrough]] but don't know if theyy pertain to you. So I guess what I'll do is just mention what they are, and if you are further interested you could write me. 

First, I'm teaching at the Feminist Studio Workshop, [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]]-which is an alternative educational institution for women in the arts, art-related, and language-related professions. We have writing programs, art programs, and art-history design and graphic programs...but that statement is a bit misleading. What the FSW really does is explore community in a group of women...and within that community women undertake an exploration of themselves in order to create their own lives. Whild the workshop was started by artists, our staff is composed of a wide range of women in different creative [[strikethrough]] activities [[/strikethrough]] professions, and our aim is not to turn out artists but women who are

Transcription Notes:
Several misspellings in the letter, which I did not correct in the transcript.