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As to what we are doing/helping women to do...The Workshop and its graduates are the largest energy force behind the creation the Woman's Building. We, both the school and members of the building1, are committed to educating women to thier own heritage, allowing them possibilities for affecting change, influencing and creating their [[strikethrough]] won [[/strikethrough]] own culture...we're very idealistic...we want to change the world... to make it at one which is huamane for all people...and we feel strongly that ways to do this changing will be found in looking at the ways in which we form bonding and community, in resolving the differences we have, the problems we encounter. So To come here involves a two-fold committment: to look at yourself, at your own relationships, and to constantly extend yourself autward in the world. We don't ask all this at once,  of course!!!  Its a very rich, exciting and growing way to spend two years of your time...many women stay to created their own lives and jobs here with us, and in this way we have continued to grow. 

If you hve other questions, feel free to write me directly at the Building.

In sisterhood
Suzanne Lazy
Faculty, performance art,