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I'm enclosing, as well, a sheet which gives information on degrees form affiliated institutions. Tuition costs from these degrees, at the graduate and undergraduate level, are over and above the FSW tuition requirement: which we have no financial aid, some of these institutions do, and you should write to them directly. In terms of the FSW tuition of 1200, we have purposely kept it below that of the usual art school to enable women who need to do so to earn it themselves. Many of the women who come to the workshop and also support oneself at a job; many of the activities are planned for a two day period to enable women who need to do so th work.

I hope to hear again from you, and let me know if you need other questions answered, like how to find a place in LA? and How to survive the smog? and etc.

in sisterhood,
Suzanne Lacy
Suzanne Lacy
performance art