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women's liberal arts college - in a last ditch effort to hold my breath and get a degree so that I can teach. Im particularly interested in teaching other adult women (I'm 31), especially those who suffer under the illusion that they're not creative.
But, to no one's surprise, being in a male-dominated art department is no more comfortable now that it was 6 years ago when I tried it out before. Last semester when my male painting teacher said, "Don't think about content now, just get your technique down," I knew it was time to leave.
Painting has been my first love, but that may be partly from lack of other materials. I have always had fantasies (at least I thought they were fantasies until I saw the film of Womanhouse) of rooms, environments, spaces - but no way to carry them out.
Also I'm interested in the healing potential of painting. My own healing while painting and the healing of viewers/participants where