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March 17

Dear JUdith, 

I'm sorry to say that the FSW does not have the resources to offer loans directly to students...there is, however, a feminist credit union in town who has loaned nomey to our students. Los Angeles Feminist Credit Union, 1434 WestwoodBLvd, Westwood, Oalif...213-475-3889.

I'm enclosing the print-out on the educational programs. Goddard is probably the best one, if you want an accredited degree. However, the tuition is considerably more than the FSW...the total would be 3200 for the full year. They do, however, have access to government loams. grants, and some scholarships. Write to them directly for information on their program and financial aid.

As to whether or not you need a smaters, it depends upon your career goals. If you have the money and the inclination I think it is generally a good idea to get one. We can you plently of time...but do check the deadline for financial aid.

Looking forward to meeting you when you arrive in L.A.
I'm sure next year is going to be a great year.

In sisterhood,
